Our Sunday School has a lot to offer everyone from age 2 to 100+. Classes range from 2-3 years old, Kindergarten, school-age, young adults, middle-aged adults, and distinguished adults!

Our Sunday School is very active disciples,  as we sponsor fun and enriching events throughout the year, which include:  Family Night, Vacation Bible School, church camps (for which we help pay an early registration), VeggieTales, Fall Party, a Christmas Eve program, featuring most youth. Wednesday evenings during the school year we invite Kindergarten through 7th grade to the R.O.K program, (Reaching Our Kids) where they learn Bible stories, do crafts, and sing during church services for God’s Singers.  We support monthly missions for various organizations/groups throughout Moniteau County and area non-profit organizations.  We have started recognizing our quarterly perfect attendance and those missing one Sunday.  We average 15 members with perfect attendance each quarter.

We invite you to come to visit us each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. as we gather to enjoy a donut(s) and juice/coffee bar while we gather for a 10-15 minute(s) Sunday School opening which includes Welcome, announcements, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, offering hymn, small devotional then we head off to our various classes. We look forward to meeting you and we’re sure there is a class you will enjoy!

Sunday School is in the Ministry of Transforming Lives

We are called to serve God. To lead others to salvation through God’s son Jesus Christ. And to offer prayers, programs, and financial support to those who worship within and beyond the walls of our church so that all might have the opportunity to have a personal relationship with our Savior and Lord.

This mission statement was approved at a Teachers and Officers Meeting in 2016.


Teachers & Officers

Sunday School teachers and officers meet on the first Monday of each month to discuss teacher needs and curriculum as well as plan Sunday School-sponsored activities.

Officers for 2025

Superintendent – David & Cressida Gattermeir
1st Assistant Superintendent – Austin Chambers
2nd Assistant Superintendent – Lisa Robertson
Treasurer – Cinda Scheidt
Recording Secretaries – Tony Barry, Doug Dampf, and Kent Howard record attendance and count offerings
Cradle Roll Coordinator – Gerri Howard


Young Adult Class taught by various class members meet on the upper level, down the hall to the new building. Wesley Curriculum is used monthly.

Kingdom Builders taught by Steven Burger meet on the lower level next to the meeting room. Lanny Ash fills in when needed. Wesley Curriculum is used monthly.

Working Class Christians taught by Carole Barbour meet on the lower level in the meeting room. Wesley Curriculum is used monthly.

Distinguished Adults taught by Peggy Liebi meet on the lower level in the old kitchen. Carmen Ferris and Judy Kilmer are substitute teachers when needed. David C. Cook is used monthly.

Youth – Grades 6-12

Middle Grades 6-8 taught by Courtney Cassil meet on the upper level on the left down the main hall.

Grades 9-12 taught by Kris and Dyan Ingram meet on the upper level, on the left down the main hall.

Children – 2 yr. old-5th Grade

2 to 3-year-olds taught by Ronda Mortenson located on the upper level next to the choir room.

Preschool-Kindergarten taught by Cressida Gattermeir meet on the upper level down the main hall on the right.

Grades 1-2 taught by Beth Chambers and Anny Roll meet on the upper level down the main hall on the left.

Grades 3-5 taught by Lauren Lawson meet on the upper level down the main hall on the left.