The governing of this congregation is by its membership. Its members control all of its affairs, subject to the laws of the State of Missouri relating to non-profit organizations. The members govern by electing a council called the consistory. The consistory is composed of eight members who serve a term of four years. Congregational members meet annually to elect consistory members and other persons to leadership positions. Congregational meetings are called to decide matters of buying or selling property, building projects, extensive repairs of church property, the calling of a Pastor, questions of policy, and changes in the By-Laws. All other matters are entrusted to the consistory who meet monthly. (Information in this section is taken from the constitution for the United Church of Christ of California, MO.)
2025 Consistory Members and Responsibilities
This congregation is a member of the United Church of Christ (national), the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the UCC (state), and its Western Association (region). We send delegates to meetings and conferences to represent us.
Click here for the website for the Missouri Mid-South Conference