Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal
Each Wednesday night September through April, the church offers a fellowship meal for anyone and everyone. The suggested donation is $5 per person. The church has several activities on Wednesday night that start at 6:30 so families can come to enjoy a delicious meal and catch up with each other before their kids attend ROK (Reaching Our Kids), attend confirmation class, attend a bible study, or a choir practice. Some pick up a meal and take it home. A vital part of church life is regular fellowship with other Christians. Just sign up after Sunday worship or call the office to sign up at (573) 796-4885.
Fall Church Party
Each fall on the second Sunday of October, the church sponsors a fall party that involves a hayride, bounce house, games, pumpkin carving, and lots of food including roasting hot dogs and s’mores over a campfire. We make available a place for families to take family pictures. It is a great time of fellowship and fun.
Children’s Time
Every Sunday morning, preschoolers through the elementary grades, are invited to come forward for a special message just for them. Our high school youth prepare a special puppet presentation once a month that they present during Children’s Time.
Children in grades 2-7 may participate in Sunday morning worship by being an acolyte or singing with God’s singers.
Women’s Guild
The Women’s Guild meets on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month. We are a group of women of all ages. We enjoy our study time, brief business meeting, and fellowship.
The Guild is active in many projects throughout the year. These include:
- serving celebration of life dinners for church family and friends
- hosting the Confirmation reception
- leading a birthday party for California Care residents
- delivering gifts and cookies to our church family members in care centers
- serving a meal for the annual Community Service Project
- cleaning the kitchen and other such projects as needed
- supporting and promoting the Festival of Sharing with monetary gifts, kits, and Best Choice labels
They also willingly take on other projects in the church as needed or asked to do.
Men’s Brotherhood
All men of the church are invited and encouraged to be a part of the Brotherhood meetings on the fourth Monday evening most months, at 7:00 PM. Typical meetings include a devotion, hymn singing, informational and inspiration program, and closing with fellowship and refreshments. An offering is taken each month to support various projects around the church and our community.
The Brotherhood is involved in a variety of projects and programs throughout the year. These include:
- Community service project with the Methodist Men and Tipton Correctional Center inmates
- Family fish fry meal with the Central UCC Brotherhood in Jefferson City
- Decorate the sanctuary and outdoors for Christmas
- Christmas Caroling to care centers and invited homes
- They are often involved with the community Crop Walk and help around the church or assist with other projects as requested
Traditionally, the Brotherhood provides a special anthem during a Lenten service each year.