California Nutrition Center is at 107 W. Versailles Ave. 573-796-4240

The California Nutrition Center serves a noon-time meal from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition, the center provides a variety of social, educational, health education and recreational activities for seniors, aged 60 and older.

The meals and the activities help to enable older persons to live in their own homes as long as possible. Meals are also delivered to those who are homebound and unable to come to the center.

The cost is $4 per meal for those 60 or over and $6.50 for those younger than 60.

Cook Teressa Liebi follows the guidelines on the food cooked, with no fried foods served and no salt used. The menu offers healthy choice meals and recommended portion control for maximum health.There are also sugar-free desserts available.

The California Nutrition Center is a non-profit organization and Kim Drummond is the administrator.

The center depends on the generosity of those willing to contribute monetary support, and those who give hundreds of hours of volunteer work each month to operate the center. It is in part sponsored by Central Missouri Area Agency on Aging. The city also contributes $5,000 per year.

The purpose of the California Ministerial Alliance shall be to (1) create and express a spirit of unity and cooperation among the churches in ministering to the spiritual and social needs of the community; (2) provide the opportunity for community worship on special occasions; and, (3) be a Christian influence within the community.

Contact 2021 CMA President Russell Cobb, Pastor United Church of Christ of California, at

573-796-4886 for more information and which church is handling monthly assistance requests.

Donna Ward, Executive Director, Clarksburg, MO 660-466-0079

Every Second Saturday of the Month 10-12 

401 S. Oak Street, California, MO


We are a group of medical professionals here at and based on conversations we have had with addiction experts across the US, the vast majority of people who need treatment for substance abuse disorders do not seek it. Though there are many barriers that discourage people from getting the help they need, cost is a significant factor. So, we created a guide that provides comprehensive information on topics like, available care options, financial support, and free resources that are available in Missouri.

You can learn more about our guides here:

Moniteau Christian Ministries Center is both the Cargill Cares Food Pantry & the Project Share Thrift Shop in one building located at 303 Latham Road. MCMC has been serving Moniteau County for the last 16 years and would welcome anyone who has not seen the Thrift Shop (open Thursday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. & Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) stop by to see the many & varied items for sale.

The Cargill Cares Food Pantry is open from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on the first, second & third Thursday & Friday of each month and from 9:00-11:00 a.m. on the third Saturday. Food items distributed are received from the Central Missouri Food Bank, local donations, food drives, & other supporting entities. If anyone is needing food, please come to the food bank on distribution days or contact Barb Mannering (573-291-4405) in an emergency or also to help with distribution. THE CARGILL CARES FOOD PANTRY serves an average of 300 families each month.

PROJECT SHARE'S Thrift Shop provides free clothing monthly to those requesting clothing assistance. Project Share's income provides monies to the food bank, pays utilities, insurance, and numerous other expenses to maintain the MCMC facility. A benevolent activity that Project Share has undertaken is a prison ministry where an inmate may request needed items (1-pant, 1-shirt, & 1-coat). Hopefully, items will be available off the racks.

The Cargill Cares pantry has their "Buddy Pack" program which runs during the school year. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Barb Mannering at 573-291-4405. This could be to help with the buddy packs, preparing food for distribution, or in the actual distribution of food.

Project Share is also in need of volunteers to prepare the donated clothing, etc. to stock their thrift store. This activity takes place every Monday & Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. until around 5:00 p.m. or as many hours as you wish to help. If you are interested in helping in the shop with customer sales, contact Ruth Ann Jobe (573-230-6625).